Sights and excursion destinations in the Salzkammergut
List of the most rewarding places around Landhotel Agathawirt

The Salzkammergut abounds with places that are worth a visit. On this page we have collected the most important information in a comprehensive list. Here you can find view points and natural monuments as well as impressive buildings and museums.
With its old historical buildings and the houses that lean romantically against the mountainsides, the age-old salt village is a unique, big sight. We recommend taking the train from Steeg to Hallstatt station and then ferry across the lake to the village on the other side of the lake, or taking the ship from the parking lot Hallstatt-Lahn to the centre. The most beautiful view of the village can be enjoyed from Lake Hallstatt! – If you have some time left and the weather is moist, we recommend a hike to the Echertal – wonderful waterfalls. Learn more on Hallstatt and its sights!
Visit the Dachstein caves
With the Dachstein giant ice cave, the mammoth cave and the Koppenbrüller cave as well as the viewing platform 5fingers on the Krippenstein and the world heritage helix: with the installed camera with the magnificent mountain panorama of the Dachstein as a background you can send your experience as an e-greeting card. Moreover, there will be special adventure tours for children!
Gosau – Gosau lakes – Zwieselalm
The Vorderer and the Hinterer Gosausee, two very beautiful mountain lakes, belong to the best-known Salzkammergut motives. We recommend: a round tour around the Vorderer Gosausee (ca. 1.5 hours) or a hike from the Vorderer Gosausee to the Hinterer Gosausee – beautiful view of the Dachstein panorama with the Gosau glacier. A great excursion is a ride with the cable car to the Zwieselalm where fantastically beautiful hiking paths will await trained hikers.
Gmunden am Traunsee
Visit the film locations for the German TV series “Schlosshotel Orth” in Gmunden. At your arrival you will have the possibility for a stopover in Traunkirchen (visit the former monastery: from Traunkirchen monastery, the parishes Ischl, Lauffen, Goisern and Aussee were once founded); - in the year 1454, the Kammerhof in Gmunden became the location of the “Salzamt” (salt office), from where the salt office man had relevant influence on the salt and forest management and on the development of the “Kammergut”. You can also add a visit to the Gmundner Keramik with the possibility to shop at favourable prices.
Those who want to can continue their trip from Gmunden to Grünau im Almtal with the Almsee and the Cumberland wildlife park Grünau.

St. Wolfgang
An old, Upper Austrian place of pilgrimage with a wonderful pilgrimage church from the 15th century, also known from numerous TV films around the “Weißes Rößl am Wolfgangsee” – We recommend: A ride with the rack railway to the Schafberg: fantastic view of the lakes Wolfgangsee, Mondsee and Attersee; optional: a hike to the Schafbergalm – also recommendable: a boat trip to St. Gilgen.
Attersee-Mondsee region
The history of the Mondseeland goes back to the Neolithic period and the Bronze Age: remains of lake dwellings, the long dugout canoes of the first settlers and the encrusted ceramics of the Mondsee culture are witnesses for it. In the village “See” on the river flowing from the Mondsee to the Attersee, remains of the former lakeside village can still be found. Collegiate church - Mondsee Museum with Pfahlbaumuseum (lake dwelling museum) - Open-air museum Mondsee Rauchhaus (smoke house: its characteristics are the missing chimney and the drying of grain in the smoke from the hearth fire.)
Emperor’s town Bad Ischl
Since Bad Ischl rose to a famous salt spa through visits of archduchess Sophie who cured her childlessness with balneotherapies and gave birth to three “salt princes”, among them the future emperor Franz Joseph, the town has been known as the emperor’s town. The Kaiservilla and the Kaiserpark still remind us of the emperor’s former summer residence. From the end of July to the end of August, the famous Ischler Operettenwochen (operetta weeks) take place.
In 2024 Bad Ischl will become the European Capital of Culture.
Chlodwig, Prince of Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, the later Chancellor of Germany, first came to Altaussee with his wife, Princess of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, in 1858 to go hunting. Here, Emperor William I, Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, Emperor Franz Joseph I and other members of the Austrian imperial house and numerous members of the European high nobility visited the Hohenlohe family. Today, Altaussee is a home to numerous artists, such as J.M. Brandauer or the writer Barbara Frischmuth.
Highlights in the Ausseerland:
- Hikes around Lake Altaussee
- Ride to the Loser (panoramic toll road) with beautiful paths for hikes starting at the upper parking lot
- Lake Loser
- 3-lakes boat trip: Grundlsee, Toplitzsee and Kammersee (Hitler’s treasure)
- Bad Aussee – visit to the Lebzelterei (gingerbread bakery)

Salzkammergut shopping tips around Bad Goisern
- Maislinger bakery, Bad Goisern & Au: fantastic whole grain breads and ginger breads
- Butcher Zauner, Bad Goisern: Hallstätter Bergmannschinken (miner’s ham)
- Butcher Kunze, Au: Gamswürste (chamois sausages)
- Wool Lahner, Bad Goisern: hand-made sheep’s wool socks, traditional jackets & custom-made traditional Goiserer costumes
- Shoe maker Rudolf Steflitsch-Hackl, Bad Goisern – this place, where the original Goiserer mountaineering boots were invented, still produces custom-made mountaineering and traditional boots
- Silk block prints Sepp Wach (Bad Aussee) – find hand prints of silk scarves and “Binderl” (traditional tie)
- Buckhorn carvings Ludwig Gratzer (Bad Ischl) – traditional accessories made from buckhorn
- Hatmaker Bittner (Bad Ischl) and Leithner (Bad Aussee)
- Leather trousers manufacturer Sonnleitner (Bad Ischl) and Raich (Bad Aussee)
- Traditional costume tailoring for ladies & gents Haselnus (Bad Aussee)
- Lebzelter Kieneswenger, Bad Ischl – ginger bread from Ischl
- Smoked chars and whitefish – Hallstättersee-Fischerei
Visit the shop of the Handwerkhaus (House of Crafts) in Bad Goisern – guided tour every Thursday!
Visit Hotel Agathawirt near Hallstatt and discover the beauty of the Salzkammergut. Have a look at our offers or send us your no-obligation enquiry and look forward to varied holidays in Upper Austria.